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NWABA Makes It Easy to Make Your Year-End Gift Today

A young female camper with brown hair is floating in a pool being held by her female counselor.

As we wrap up 2023 and you’re putting the bows on your holiday gifts, please remember Northwest Association for Blind Athletes (NWABA) during this time of giving. Your support means so much to our athletes as they participate year-round in the limitless opportunities provided by NWABA to help them achieve independence, build self-esteem and find their community.

Additionally, your year-end gift will help us serve even more individuals who are blind and visually impaired in your community. Your generosity matters and when you donate to NWABA before December 31st, YOUR GIFT WILL BE DOUBLED, thanks to a $10,000 Rite Aid Healthy Futures’ Neighborhood Grant Award!

Did you know that NWABA accepts donations of all kinds including PayPal, Venmo, stock gifts  and crypto currency? Whether you’re giving a one-time donation or becoming a monthly donor, ensuring a continuous impact for our athletes, NWABA offers several beneficial ways to support the organization and will help you along the way.

  • To make an individual or continuous monthly gift via credit card, Venmo or PayPal, visit today. Does your company offer a matching gift program? Double or triple your impact . Check to see if your employer qualifies.
  • NWABA accepts designated stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities. Donating these types of non-cash assets is a tax-efficient way to support our programming while achieving the benefits of a tax deduction. For additional information regarding the donation of stock assets, please visit www.nwaba.givestock.
  • Donating crypto to a qualified charitable organization, such as NWABA, can help offset those gains, so you can save more and give more. By making an in-kind donation of appreciated cryptocurrency, you may be able to get two tax benefits in one—avoiding capital gains tax and obtaining a charitable donation deduction. To donate or for additional information on giving cryptocurrency, visit

Additionally, gifts by check are always welcome at NWABA. For check donations, please mail to:

Northwest Association or Blind Athletes
PO Box 61489
Vancouver, WA 98666

For questions about how to give a life-changing gift to support our programs and services, contact Kim Hash, Director of Philanthropy at 360.984.5506, or or Cicely Waters at 360.728.5648, or

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