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Weeknight Winter Sports Program Keeps on Shredding & Now Expands to Idaho!

Young athlete in a tiger suit and pink helmet is learning to snowboard with an instructor guide standing behind her.One of our most anticipated winter program events is our weekly skiing & snowboarding series which started last month. This is the third year Northwest Association for Blind Athletes (NWABA) has offered its 6-week clinic at Mt. Hood Meadows, attended by our athletes throughout Portland and SW Washington. NWABA provides roundtrip transportation, equipment rentals, lift pass, and lessons from the expert instructors at Mt. Hood Meadows.

We are happy to announce that this experience has been so successful, we’ve expanded it to Idaho. Thanks to our partnership with Boise Adapted Snowsport Education (BASE) and the Challenged Athletes Foundation, our athletes are able to experience skiing and snowboarding at the Bogus Basin Ski Resort.

In both areas, these specialized series allow athletes to hone their skills like never before with consistent access to their local mountain’s recreational areas. Participating athletes vary in skills and ages from six to seventy-five years old. Novice skiers are given personal instruction and guidance, while the advanced (or Black Diamond skiers) are given two-way radios to maximize their independence and enhance their skills, while still being in communication with our staff.

By participating in this six-week program, while working with trained instructors and volunteers, athletes advance their skills and reach their physical goals by building upon their previous week’s lessons. Athletes are empowered to conquer the slopes with confidence, building self-esteem, fostering a stronger sense of community, and above all, embracing the exhilarating joy of winter sports.

NWABA athlete, Suni, in a sit-ski being pushed from behind by a trained ski instructor.This year, NWABA athlete, Steve, was excited and grateful to be snowboarding again, which he never thought possible after a 15-year hiatus. First time skier, Suni, was able to participate on a sit-ski to support her mobility needs, and excited to challenge herself and conquer this new sport.

We are incredibly proud of our athletes for challenging themselves with our skiing and snowboarding series and are looking forward to our spring series of tandem biking, hiking, and more!

Visit our website at to find winter events in your area and keep checking the calendar as we transition from winter to spring sports in the coming months.

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